Do you feel like you need more inspiration for the colors you’ve always been using? And do you wish for a go-to, straightforward color palette collection somewhere accessible on the Internet?

Duo by Alex Pate offers precisely this.


duo features


Alex Pate is a London-based design-focused engineer with a passion for helping artists, designers, engineers, and user researchers with his color palette collection. As it clearly states, the color combinations in Duo are indeed curated from personal projects or anything he has discovered across the Internet.

Currently, there are 102 colors, neatly arranged in three columns for users’ clear observation. However, just like its main focus: color pairings, Duo presents background and foreground (the number) colors in each box. This way, users can see what color combinations complement nicely on the eyes once put onto a design.

Moving the cursors on the box will trigger a small pop-up box downside, detailing the copy-able color codes for the background and foreground hues.



If scrolling down all the page seems a bit long, users can click on View on JSON instead. Those familiar with programming languages may have no problem understanding it, but those who don’t: JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. As a lightweight format for storing and transporting data, the button will direct users to a list of all the color codes and its AA Accessible status (True or False). All can also be easily copied in one go, which can help users who don’t want to copy all the codes from each box manually.

Speaking of AA accessibility, there’s also the Toggle only AA Accessible Combinations button under the View on JSON. If users click on this, the color palette collection changes slightly after those with True AA accessibility are filtered. However, do note that the JSON list won’t follow this change even after users click the button.

On the right side, users will find the blue button By @alexjpate, which will direct them to Alex Pate’s Twitter account.

And that’s it—that’s literally what users will find on this page! It makes the whole browsing experience super compact and practical, if not quick (considering there are 102 beautiful colors and you want a closer inspection of each of them).

The database is still growing, so users can keep going back to check on an update. If you have any feedback or want to reach the page owner, Alex Pate also has GitHub and Dribbble accounts (both at alexpate)—although they’re more about his portfolio.

Main Features:

  • A straightforward one-page website
  • An easy-on-the-eyes user interface
  • Compact menus and user interface
  • Seamless navigation

We hope the review on above gives you clear information about the website and features offered on it! Happy working with your color play and design projects!

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