remix icon homepage

When building a user interface, icons can be a helpful feature, especially when they actually bring the visitors to the exact page or feature they needed. Thus, icons should be concise and clear, just like what Remix Icon has to offer in their open-source icon library.

With a collection of more than 2,200 icons, you can find just what you need, divided into at least 17 subcategories such as “media”, “buildings”, “weather”, “device”, “documents”, and others.

The simple and neutral-style of RemixIcon icons make it a versatile addition to your website or user interface design. Furthermore, a simple icon design has proven to communicate better to the audience, getting rid of the barrier of language.

What They Offer

remix icon homepage

What makes RemixIcon popular is the fact that all of their icons are free. They offer to create icons by request at a certain price, but the rest relies on donation. Therefore, if you feel that the library has given you a benefit, you might want to donate on their website.

Each icon has two different styles: outline and fill. With a standard size of 24x x 24x, it would be a great addition to your page and also aesthetically pleasing for its simplicity. To use it, you can simply click the “Download” button on the upper right corner of the page and the icons will come in a single SVG file for each.

Once the icon is downloaded, you can click on the icon and choose “Copy SVG”. The command can now be used for copying the icon to Sketch, Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer, Adobe XD, Affinity Photo, etc.

To find the icon, you can simply type the keyword in the search box or scroll down to see each subcategory. Click on the icon and a new pop-up window will appear. On the window, you can choose to download the PNG, SVG, or “Copy SVG”. It is also completed with an HTML code that you can copy.

They also allow you to put favorite icons in an online folder on their website. So, next time you visit the website, you already have a collection of icons that you can simply copy again when you need it.

However, you can download them all in a .zip archive, but it is more recommended to keep an online collection to keep you updated with the new icons every now and then. It indeed works just like a library where you can find the icon and keep what you need in the favorite folder section.

Get to GitHub for a Complete Source of RemixIcon Usage

remix icon github

As the biggest source of coding community, RemixIcon refers to GitHub for various usage and command. Note that the icons from RemixIcon work optimally on CSS language.

On GitHub, there is also a special page that refers to problem solving in using RemixIcon in the code. If you happen to find a problem, you may request for a solution from the developers.

Remix Icon Licensing

As an open-source library, Remix Icon has an Apache License 2.0, which stated that the icons on the website could be downloaded and used for commercial use, modification, patent use, distribution, and private use.

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